Slide 港商看好印尼市場 嘆支援不足 關稅等成本相對高 盼兩地自貿協定擴範疇 【明報專訊】特首李家超東南亞訪問行程踏入第三日,昨轉到印尼首都雅加達(見另稿)。印尼是東盟人口最多的成員國,多名印尼港商表示,當地市場龐大、經濟增長快,惟不約而同指出挑戰不小,包括外商缺乏支援、商業稅率較高,經營成本甚至高於其他東盟大國。 【疫市創業】公司轉戰東盟市場?顧問:找當地人拍檔忌隔山買牛 艾爾諾諮詢(Aello Consulting)業務為幫助中小企進軍印尼、馬來西亞、 菲律賓、泰國、新加坡等東盟國家市場。該公司創辦人 April Lam 表示香港政府在不同東盟國家設立了香港經濟貿易辦事處(海外),幫助香港中小企與當地政府機關及商會聯繫,經商阻力較以前低。 【東盟三國行】有印尼港商籲經商前先取「清真認證」 將涵蓋化妝品等 香港跟印尼政府都想加強商貿聯繫。不過有當地港商提醒到印尼經商,最好取得「清真認證」。當地政府首階段就要求,最遲明年十月中所有的食品及飲品都要取得認證,之後連化妝品都要。 【疫市營商】香港中小企生意難做?顧問公司:印尼市場潛力大但起碼1年才有回報 April 續稱:「印尼總統維多多在政策上作出多項改革吸引外資。例如容許提高部分行業外資佔股比例,又大減低利得又將批文、申請牌照等程式簡化,令更持觀望態度的企業都進取地投入市場。」 An Interview with Indonesia Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong I am the founder of Aello Consulting which provides end-to-end services to help companies to expand to Indonesia from strategy advisory to implementation with a focus on consumer goods including fashion, beauty, watches, food, toys and wellness. An Interview with I am originally from Hong Kong and now living in Bali running a business consulting firm to connect business owners with the ecosystem here in ASEAN markets, with a focus on FMCG and affordable luxury brands.

YouTube Video and Podcast

Slide 疫後新時代,抓緊東盟市場新機遇 今年東盟經濟急速發展,當地消費者對各式各樣產品需求甚殷,電子商務乘勢興起,成為疫情後經濟復甦一大引擎。香港不少中小企想借助政府資助與雲端技術建立新的銷售鏈和供應鏈,加上香港與東盟國家簽訂的自貿協定和投資協定已經全面生效,覆蓋貿易、服務、投資、科技、初創等領域商機無限。這次座談會邀請了Aello Consulting的Founder Ms. April Lam, WealthHub的 Co-founder Mr. Mike Chan 和Vantis IT 的 Business Development Director Nathan Shek 和大家分享如何抓緊機會,開拓新市場。 Vantis Consulting Group

Page 1 Top 5 Keys to Enter Indonesia Market - Expand Business Internationally During COVID-19 Hosted by Growth Marketer Academy, the founder of Aello Consulting, April Lam spoke about the below:

1. How to expand business internationally to ASEAN?
2. What market entry strategy should you choose?
3. What are the available free E-resources to help fund your business?
4. How can you expand your business from Hong Kong to Indonesia?
5. Case study: How did a HK fashion watch brand effectively grow in Indonesia from scratch within 4 months?
Growth Marketer Academy
袋錢入你袋 - 拓展香港家電業於新興市場的發展項目分享 拓展新興市場分享 及 疫境下的發展 主持人: 香港電器業協會常務副理事長 倫達基先生 講者: 猛利安實業有限公司董事總經理 馮敬堯先生 特力實業有限公司副總經理 陳偉俊先生 香港貿易發展局助理首席經濟師(環球市場研究團隊)陳永 健先生 艾爾諾諮詢創辦人及首席顧問 林靜芝小姐 Hong Kong Productivity Council Facilitate Digital Trade of ASEAN Countries Hong Kong and North America Cross-border business has become more and more important in the digital era. Organized by, the webinar talk about below:

1. Hong Kong as an effective platform for Southeast Asian countries to export to the world.
2. How to connect Hong Kong, ASEAN and North American market.
3. Developing post-pandemic opportunities with Indonesia.
GTrade 365
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今年東盟經濟急速發展,當地消費者對各式各樣產品需求甚殷,電子商務乘勢興起,成為疫情後經濟復甦一大引擎。香港不少中小企想借助政府資助與雲端技術建立新的銷售鏈和供應鏈,加上香港與東盟國家簽訂的自貿協定和投資協定已經全面生效,覆蓋貿易、服務、投資、科技、初創等領域商機無限。這次座談會邀請了Aello Consulting的Founder Ms. April Lam, WealthHub的 Co-founder Mr. Mike Chan 和Vantis IT 的 Business Development Director Nathan Shek 和大家分享如何抓緊機會,開拓新市場。


Slide Aello Consulting: FREE 15 Minutes ASEAN Market Entry Consulting dots During a free, 15-minute strategy session, we’ll discuss your business goals and identify opportunities. Expect a lot of questions so we can understand your industry and pain points. Our ultimate goal: get it right the first time Book Now