Jakarta, 7 September 2023 – Indonesia is gearing up for a momentous event as Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, confirmed that Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and Starlink, is set to visit Indonesia in October 2023.

During a press conference held at the Hotel Fairmont in Central Jakarta, Minister Luhut expressed optimism about Musk’s visit. “We will see how things progress, and we hope that Elon will come to Indonesia in October,” he announced.

However, it’s essential to clarify that Elon Musk’s visit is not primarily centered around Tesla’s automotive endeavors in Indonesia. Minister Luhut emphasized that Musk’s visit is primarily related to discussions about the Starlink project. He pointed out that Tesla is not actively seeking investments in any country, including Indonesia, in the near future.

Nonetheless, Luhut underlined Indonesia’s significance as a priority for the prominent electric vehicle manufacturer. He dispelled rumors suggesting that Tesla was exclusively interested in the Malaysian market for car sales, reaffirming that Indonesia holds a special place in Tesla’s strategic considerations.

“Tesla, as I mentioned earlier, is not planning to invest anywhere, not just in Indonesia. So, if there are talks about Malaysia, they are focused solely on car sales,” Minister Luhut clarified.

Minister Luhut’s recent meeting with Elon Musk in San Francisco, United States, further solidified the rapport between Indonesia and Tesla. During this meeting, Tesla expressed its keenness to establish agreements related to investment.

While the exact details of Tesla’s investment in Indonesia remain undisclosed, Luhut hinted that it would be substantial. Indonesia has actively courted Tesla for some time, with President Joko Widodo holding two direct conversations with Elon Musk at SpaceX facilities in Texas in 2022. In a bid to entice Tesla’s investment, President Widodo even offered nickel concessions, a crucial resource for electric vehicle batteries.

Minister Luhut’s announcement has sparked excitement and anticipation in Indonesia, as the nation eagerly awaits Elon Musk’s visit and the potential opportunities it may bring.