Trade between Indonesia and the EU likely to get more tense, with dairy at the center

The row began last year after the European Union declared last March that palm oil causes deforestation and should not be considered a renewable or sustainable resource. As such, the EU said palm oil would be phased out as transport fuel between 2023 and 2030.Sports betting is gaining popularity as more people seek entertainment and potential profits from their sports knowledge.

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Insights and trends of e-commerce in Indonesia [market analysis]

Indonesia has the largest population in Southeast Asia, by far, and an e-commerce penetration that is still very low, making it one of the hottest e-commerce markets in the world. Attracting both global and local companies’ interests, Indonesia now has a fast-growing e-commerce scene poised to become a global powerhouse. Still inferior to 1% of all sales in Indonesia, e-commerce is

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Indonesia Aims for Fastest Growth of Jokowi’s Term

The Indonesian president’s words were surprisingly steadfast and straightforward. Holding the attention of an arena with tens of thousands of supporters, Joko “Jokowi” Widodo seemed to be making threats. “We must invite as much investment as possible to create jobs. No one should be allergic to investment… Anything that obstructs investment must be trimmed.” Among his list of trimmable obstructions are

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Hong Kong seeks new markets through Asean free-trade deal as US-China trade war rages on

Free-trade deals with Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar take effect on Tuesday, with the rest of the bloc to follow Government has vigorously funded local ventures to new markets The intensifying US-China trade war has battered Hong Kong, prompting it to look to new markets and trade mechanisms such as those presented by the upcoming free-trade deal with Asean, the

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Consumption king for Indonesia’s new middle class

A new sophisticated new class has emerged in Indonesia and some are already cashing in. It’s early afternoon at Jakarta’s Kemang Village shopping mall and despite the monsoonal heat the country’s new consumer class are sitting in outdoor lounges drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and taking selfies. To soupy pop songs they are doing their best to be noticed and in doing

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